Suffering Jordon Read online

Page 5

  Chase shrugged. “It’s not a gig really. I live here now.”

  Rico walked around, touching the handcuffs and the different contraptions. “Is she into S and M?”

  “Sometimes, but light stuff. Ever done anything heavy?” Chase asked him, his eyes on Rico’s stiffening cock.

  “Yeah. You?”

  “Not for awhile.”

  “Did you like it?” He ran a tongue over his lips, then moved his hands slowly up over his own chest.

  “Some of it wasn’t too bad,” Chase said, the sexual tension in the room growing thicker by the minute. His cock was starting to twitch in his pants.

  “You know I want to rip off your clothes right now, baby, and lick you all over?” Rico met his eyes boldly.

  “Um, sounds nice,” Chase said deeply, “but you’ll have to wait for Amanda.”

  Rico looked towards the door. “So it’s true, she’s just going to watch while we go at it?”

  “Probably. Sometimes she tells us what she wants. She has participated in the past.”

  “You like to fuck women, Chase?”

  “I don’t mind it.”

  “Give me a man any day,” Rico said, “give me a man like you and I’ll lose my mind.”

  Their eyes met. Oh boy, if Amanda didn’t put the brakes on tonight, he could really get wild with this boy!

  “Oh yeah,” Chase breathed.

  “Yeah. Believe me, baby, you’re just my type.”

  “What is it you’d like to do first, Rico?”

  Amanda inquired as she walked through the door. She was in a light mauve satin lounge dress tonight with spaghetti straps. On her feet, she wore matching high heels, her hair swept up with a diamond clasp. She paused in front of Rico, and ran a manicured hand down his chest. “Tell Mama,” she whispered.

  Eyes clouded with lust, Rico looked past Amanda’s shoulder to Chase. “I want to…” His chest heaved.

  Amanda laughed softly. “Oh Rico. Poor Rico. See what you do to him,” Amanda said, glancing at Chase and flicking a finger over Rico’s stiff cock. “I guess if you tease, my pretty Chase, you have to please.”

  Chase smiled. “I guess so,” he drawled.

  “We wouldn’t want the poor boy to suffer,” she said, slapping Rico’s cock to and fro a few times. He drew a labored breath. Amanda pushed him up against the glass wall. “Now stay here and don’t touch yourself, understand?”

  Rico nodded, his eyes never leaving Chase.

  Amanda turned to look at Chase. “Now, my sexy handsome stud, show Rico what you have under those clothes.”

  Chase smiled at Rico whose tongue darted out of his mouth and wet his lips in anticipation.

  Amanda brushed past him, letting her fingers trail over his rough jaw, and then went to take her place. Nestled in her right hand was her new vibrator, the one she called her rabbit.

  Chase began to undo the buttons on his shirt, one at a time, all the while holding Rico’s gaze in his. By the time he had it all the way open, Rico’s cock was glistening with pre-cum. Chase reached for the top snap on his pants and Rico moaned, letting his head push back against the mirror. When Chase lowered the zip and spread over his pants, the tip of his cock had made its way out of his underwear.

  “Fuck,” Rico muttered, his tongue wetting his lips again.

  Chase smiled. He kicked off his shoes, then, pulled his pants over his hips bit by bit, letting them fall to his ankles. He stepped away from them, leaving them in a heap on the floor. All eyes were riveted to him, Amanda’s and Rico’s. He was enjoying the attention, enjoying his ability to tease suddenly. He paused to wet the tip of his finger, then, moved it down his chest to his right nipple. Slowly he moved his moistened finger over the tip, feeling it stiffen and expand.

  Rico reached for his cock, only to be reprimanded by Amanda. He flattened his palms out against the mirrors and bit into his bottom lip.

  Chase laughed softly. He felt his own balls tighten, his cock begin to throb. He put his fingers in the top of his underwear and lifted the material up over his cock. His cock bobbed free, pumping out a little bit of pre-cum as soon as it was exposed. God, his cock was such an exhibitionist… “My cock is so hard,” he said suddenly, letting his eyes settle on Rico. “If I fucked you now, I’d fuck you so hard and so rough…”

  “Do it,” Rico urged coarsely.

  Chase looked at Amanda. Amanda nodded.

  Chase scrambled out of the underwear, and came closer to Rico. Rico went to touch him but he shook his head. “No, keep your hands out to your sides.”

  Rico smiled at him. “Torture eh?” He hissed.

  Chase smiled back. “Not at all.” He reached over and took Rico’s cock in his hand. Rico moaned on contact. Chase squeezed it hard, then ran his thumb around the head. “Nice cock. Very nice. Nice chest too. I want to touch your nipples with my tongue.”

  Rico closed his eyes, his head falling to the side as Chase pressed his body against his, roughly widening his thighs with his knee. One hand on his balls, he took one of Rico’s nipples between his teeth and bit it gently. Rico’s chest heaved. Chase massaged his balls roughly, bouncing up against his stiff cock with his arm at the same time. He withdrew his mouth from the nipple and studied it. It glistened, slightly red, still and standing at attention, begging for more. “Want to fuck me, Rico?” Chase whispered against his check, his rough jaw scratching against his smooth skin.

  Rico moaned.

  “Want to kiss me, Rico?” Chase murmured, letting his tongue dip out and taste Rico’s bottom lip. Rico trembled all over. Chase took his nipple between his thumb and forefinger and pinched it gently, then, he leaned in and bit it again. At the same time he lifted up his hand and inserted his middle finger into Rico’s mouth. “Lick it good, baby, because it’s going up your ass.”

  Rico began to lick his middle finger with relish, moaning with pleasure as Chase began to lick and bite his other nipple. Suddenly Chase pulled his finger out of Rico’s mouth and placed his hand between his thighs. “Spread ‘em wider,” he hissed.

  Rico immediately complied, placing his hands in Chase’s hair as Chase drove his wet finger up inside of Rico’s quivering orifice. Chase’s mouth covered Rico’s as he began to finger fuck his hole. Rico’s mouth was practically devouring his. His hands moved down over Chase’s shoulders as he struggled to get closer. Suddenly, Chase pulled his finger out of him and moved away. “Get down on all fours,” Chase told him.

  Rico went down to his knees, pressing his face against Chase’s cock as he did. Chase moved back, watching as Rico seductively posed on his hands and knees, ass out, legs spread, one hand tweaking his nipple.

  Chase intended on making him wait for it. He slowly crossed the floor and took some lube out of the toy chest, along with a condom. Standing in front of Rico, he slowly lubed his own cock, moving his hand up and down, letting it deliberately show off his hard, eight inch cock to advantage. Rico’s eyes were glued to him. Then just as slowly, he opened the condom package and rolled it on.

  His hands coated with lube, he got down behind Rico and began to oil his entrance. Rico’s sighs escalated into deep moans, then cries. “Chase…” he breathed… “beautiful…Chase…come on, baby…do it…”

  Chase grabbed his hips and positioned his cock at the entrance of Rico’s ass. With one grunt he was in. Rico let out a yell, then, Chase began to thrust. Rico’s ass was wrapping his cock in ecstasy. The sweat was pouring off of him as he continued slamming into Rico. Chase was hardly even aware of Rico’s cries of pleasure. All he could hear was his own labored breathing. Then, clapping.

  He wasn’t sure if it was the clapping that caused him to freeze, or Amanda’s shrill admonishment. “What in hell are you doing here?”

  Rico was coming all over the place, grunting like a pig, his entire body jutting back and forth as he drew upright on his knees and moaned aloud.

  Chase pulled back from Rico and then looked up to see Jordon standing in the corner of the room, star
ing at him.

  Amanda was on her feet, pulling her clothing together, the discarded vibrator had fallen on the floor.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” he said, the faintest smirk on his face, “we have an emergency.”

  “What emergency? How long have you been standing there?”

  Chase was anxious to hear the answer to that one. He stood up and hastily grabbed his pants, placing them in front of him.

  Jordon seemed to find that amusing. He uttered a little laugh, before he returned his eyes to his sister.

  Rico finally noticed the other body in the room. “Wow,” he said, “looks like Amanda has no end of hunks here.”

  “Shut up,” Chase said, putting one leg then the other into his pants. “That’s her brother.”

  “So, how long have you been here spying on us?” Amanda was demanding. Her eyes alive with indignation, focused on Jordon.

  “Long enough,” he said. “And I wasn’t spying. You have a phone call from London. There is a crisis, something about the board of directors. If you don’t appear within the next twelve hours, they will vote to demolish the company.”

  Amanda gasped. “They can’t do that!”

  “Well, that’s what…” He began.

  Amanda didn’t wait to discuss it. She stomped out of the room without another word.

  Jordon leaned against the door frame, and folded his arms across his chest. “Quite the performance there, boys,” he said, looking at Chase. “Does all the yelling and grunting cost extra, or is it included in the price?”

  Rico ran his hands down over his chest to his cock. “Baby, that was no performance. That was the real thing. If you had that beautiful eight-incher up…”

  “That’s enough, Rico,” Chase mumbled, looking down at the floor.

  “No, let him go on,” Jordon urged. “I find this fascinating.”

  “This is ridiculous,” Chase snapped. “I don’t have to…”

  “What’s wrong, Chase?” Jordon met his eyes, smiling. “Embarrassed? A man should never be embarrassed about…”

  “Why should he be embarrassed?” Rico cut in. “He’s gorgeous. He has a great cock, and he knows what to do with it. What about you, good looking? What’s your cock like?”

  “Rico, this is…” Chase began.

  Jordon put up his hand. “Want to find out?”

  “Um, yeah, I’d like to take both of you on,” Rico stated, looking from one to another.

  “Well, my sister is going to London tonight, and you’re ah…already paid for, aren’t you? And well, we know you’re paid for,” Jordon gave Chase a meaningful look.

  Rico took a step towards Jordon.

  “Not now,” Jordon said. “Later, by the pool.”

  Chase opened his mouth to speak.

  “Unless you have some objection, Chase?”

  Chase met those gorgeous eyes. His pulses were racing. He was finding it hard to breathe suddenly. “Amanda might not…”

  “My sister will just have to learn to share her toys,” he said, a smile playing around his sensuous mouth.

  Before Chase could protest, he had left the room.

  Rico turned to Chase, his eyes wide. “What a stud, can’t wait to see what his…”

  “It’s not going to happen,” Chase snapped. “Now, I think, Rico, you should go home.”

  “Now? But…”

  “Go home, Rico,” Chase said, gathering up the rest of his clothes and quickly leaving the room.

  Chapter Four

  Chase watched as Amanda got into one of her cars with the driver. He sighed. He hoped to hell she’d be back soon. He didn’t want to be alone with Jordon in this house for one second more than was necessary. It was after ten o’clock, and he considered just going to bed, but he discovered that he was hungry. When he got down to the bottom of the stairs, he heard voices. He swore softly in his throat. Rico had decided to ignore him, and stay on anyway. The opportunity to get into someone like Jordon Nash’s pants didn’t come along every day. It looked like Rico wasn’t about to waste the opportunity.

  Chase’s blood was boiling as he stormed out onto the patio. Rico was sprawled in a lounge chair, wearing nothing but his underwear, making sure that his boner was arranged seductively under the almost transparent material. Jordon stood by the pool, a glass of liquor in his hand. They were in the middle of a conversation.

  “I saw that race, man,” Rico was saying. “Man, my head was spinning because…”

  “I thought I told you to go home,” Chase cut in coldly, glaring at Rico.

  Jordon turned around, lifting his glass. He was wearing a pair of jeans and an open neck shirt in a subtle shade of blue. His hair was blowing softly in the evening breeze and it was obviously he’d drunk a bit more than usual. “No reason to be rude, Chase. Why don’t you join us for a drink?”

  “Why don’t you put some damn clothes on,” Chase said out of the corner of his mouth to Rico.

  “It’s hot, man. Your fault,” he smiled coyly.

  “Rico is my guest, Chase. I’d appreciate it if you’d be nice to him,” Jordon said.

  Chase walked over to where Jordon stood. Shoulder to shoulder, they were practically the same height, with Jordon perhaps topping him by a quarter of an inch. “Why are you doing this?” Chase asked him, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “What?” Jordon gave him the most dazzling smile. “You don’t approve?” He lifted an eyebrow. “I have needs too.”

  “This has nothing to do with your goddamned needs.”

  “You don’t think I have needs?” Jordon smirked, draining his glass. “You think I’m a cold fish, do you?”

  “I…I never said that.” Chase was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the conversation.

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  “You’re doing this to make some kind of a point.” Chase accused.

  “And what would that be?” Jordon turned to face him now.

  “I haven’t figured it out yet, but I will.” For a moment they just looked at each other. Finally Chase dropped his eyes and muttered, “you think you’re so fucking smart. I’ve been to college you know…” He stopped. What in hell was it about this man that made him get to this point?

  “Yeah so you’ve said. So, why didn’t you finish then? And more importantly, what are you still doing here? I mean besides torturing yourself out of misguided guilt? Just because Cassidy died, didn’t mean you had to die with him.”

  Tears stung Chase’s eyes. “Fuck you. You don’t know anything about it.”

  Jordon grabbed Chase by the shoulders. “I know you’re wasting your life here. But if you’re a whore, then act like one, but make up your mind who you want to be.”

  Chase wrenched away him. “I am who I am.”

  “Fine,” Jordon murmured, “then you’re a whore, bought and paid for by my sister, and since I own half this house, I require your services tonight…and since I doubt you’re enough for me, I’ll make use of the both of you.”

  Chase mouth tightened. That comment about him not being enough was intended to wound, and it did, it went straight to the target. “Whatever you want,” Chase muttered.

  “Yeah baby,” Rico cried out, completely oblivious to the tension between Chase and Jordon.

  Jordon’s eyes were alive with emotion. Chase read them as a mix of anger and sexual anticipation. Whatever it was, he found himself having to look away. His pulses were racing again, and he felt this tight feeling in his gut.

  “Let’s go back upstairs,” Jordon invited, placing a hand on Rico’s ass. “I’m anxious to try out my sister’s pleasure room.”

  Chase’s eyes went to Jordon’s hand, which was planted squarely on Rico’s firm little butt, and suddenly his blood boiled. He wanted to rip his hand off.

  As they were walking up the stairs, Jordon right behind Rico, and Chase behind Jordon, Jordon smacked Rico’s ass a few times and dragged down his underwear. Chase stepped over them on the stairs halfway up.
br />   “Can’t wait to see you naked,” Rico called out as they walked down the hallway.

  Jordon swayed a bit in front of Chase. Rico stopped in front of the door of Amanda’s room, and gyrated his hips in front of Jordon. “You like?”

  “We’ll see. I have nothing to compare you to yet, now do I?”

  Chase swallowed.

  Jordon stopped as they entered the room, and looked at Chase. Rico ran on ahead into the back room. “You can stop all this, you know, if you want.”


  “By packing up and getting the fuck out of here, that’s how.”

  Chase met his eyes. “You hate me that much.”

  “I don’t hate you, Chase,” he said. “I just want my sister to…”

  “But you’re not her father, you’re her brother.”

  Jordon shrugged. “Come on then, Chase, show me what you got.”

  “Oh, I’ll show you what I got,” Chase said, his anger spilling out of him. With one hand, he pushed Jordon against the wall and grabbed the back of his head. His mouth came down on his hard, his tongue sliding between Jordon’s surprised lips. Chase’s other hand ripped at his shirt, buttons flying as his finger sought out one hard brown nipple and squeezed. The kiss which began in anger quickly turned to passionate urgency. As Jordon struggled against him, Chase devoured more of his mouth, his breath rasping his desire. Jordon’s mouth was incredibly sweet, in spite of its defiance, and as Chase let his hand trace over a muscle board stomach down to his groin, he discovered a cock which was well on its way to paying complete attention. Jordon managed to turn his face to the side, growling something about “fuckin’ get off me.”

  Chase grabbed Jordon’s hand and pressed it against his own cock. “Feel this,” he demanded. “See what you do to me. I don’t even like your sorry ass and I…” Chase wrenched Jordon’s chin back to the front and captured his mouth again, the other hand now reaching around back to grab his rock hard ass…God, how he wanted that ass at that moment.

  Jordon finally got enough leverage to push him back and away from him. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and that simple motion caused Chase’s cock to twitch in his pants. His hair was in disarray, his shirt hung open, half the buttons gone, and the distinctive bulge in his pants was more than telling. “You little fuck!” He growled, his chest heaving.