Suffering Jordon Page 2
“I hope everything went alright.”
“It went fine. We each got a third, which means I’m now probably one of the top five richest women in the United States.”
“Congratulations,” Chase said taking note that Amanda didn’t seem too thrilled by her additional wealth. She issued him a faint smile.
“What about the house?” Chase asked, the headache he’d had a while ago still lingering around his temples.
“Jordon still owns half. That hasn’t changed.”
“If he doesn’t want to sell, you can always…” Chase began.
“No worries. He will sell his half eventually,” she said, lifting her glass. “I’m pretty used to getting what I want. It’s only a matter of time.”
Chase nodded. He couldn’t argue with her there.
“So, feel like having some fun tonight?” Amanda said suddenly, draining her glass.
Chase drew in some breath, then nodded. “Sure, Amanda. Anything you want. What about Jordon?”
“What about Jordon?” She said, standing up.
“Well, he doesn’t approve of…”
“To hell with what Jordon doesn’t approve of.”
Chase laughed softly. Amanda leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips. “I’ll get someone exceptional for you tonight, love.”
Chase nodded. “Okay. Speaking of Jordon, where is he? I’d like to talk to him, explain about last night.”
“Well, last time I saw him he was in the pool, but darling don’t exhaust yourself trying to reason with Jordon. It’s not worth the effort.”
Chase didn’t reply. He watched as Amanda left the living room, then with a sigh got off the sofa and headed outside to the patio.
Chapter Two
Chase looked around him as he walked outside. It was a beautiful day. The sun was hot, and there was the smell of flowers everywhere. The t-shirt and jean shorts he wore immediately clung to his skin in the heat.
Jordon was in the pool. Chase could see him swimming laps across the length of it, doing a very controlled breast stroke. Chase moved closer, calculating the moment Jordan would get out and dry off. He glanced over at the jug of ice water on the table and walked over and poured himself a glass. He took a seat and waited.
Suddenly Jordon seemed to notice him there because he stopped at the edge of the pool and squinted up at him. Jordon reached up and pushed back his wet hair, swiping a hand across his cheeks to catch some of the water. With his hair all slicked back like that, Chase could really see his face. He was more handsome than he’d thought, almost beautiful.
Chase stood up. “I want to talk to you,” he said. “When you have a moment.”
Jordon didn’t answer. Instead, he moved over to the pool ladder and began to climb up.
Chase held his breath. From the angle that he was at, he first got a look at his glistening bronze shoulders, broad and square, then his back, which led down to a trim waist and exploded into an ass which was without exaggeration a masterpiece. It was round, and firm, the perfect bubble butt profiled perfectly in a midnight blue spandex bathing suit. Some guys at the agency worked hours everyday to attain a butt like that. He bet there were those exquisite little indentations on the side too.
Jordon turned around, toned chest with sculptured abs and pecs gleaming in the sun, muscles flexing as he reached for a towel. His eyes were watching Chase curiously as he lazily dried off. Okay Chase, snap out of it. What in hell has gotten into you? It had been a long time since he’d had this kind of sensation looking at a man’s body. Oh sure, the guys Amanda brought were good looking enough, and he achieved the standard physiological reaction when it was time to perform, but this was something different. Jordon wasn’t naked, but damn, it couldn’t have been any worse if he was; not to mention that they didn’t really like each other very much. He wondered briefly if Jordon was gay. The thought was disturbing on so many levels. He desperately hoped Jordan was straight as they came, not pausing to analyze why he was hoping for that.
“So,” Jordon said now, that deep voice of his seeping into Chase’s consciousness, “what do you want to talk to me about?”
Was Jordan gay? Umm, did he care? “Well, I…” Chase began as Jordon walked…no, he didn’t walk, he strode, over to table where the ice jug was, and sat down.
“Well, I what?” He asked, reaching for the pitcher and pouring himself some water.
“I came to apologize I guess,” Chase managed, coming closer.
“You guess?” He raised an eyebrow, his dark blond hair beginning to already dry in the sun. “Don’t you know?”
Chase sighed. “All right, damn it. I got drunk last night. I don’t usually drink…and I know it’s not an excuse but I shouldn’t have been in that bed and I suppose I said some…well, I probably was caustic as hell to you when you found me…and I’m sorry.”
Jordon sipped his water.
“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Chase demanded, trying to keep his temper in check. He wasn’t sure what it was about this guy that pissed him off so.
“What would you like me to say?”
“Well, that you accept my apology.”
“Why is it so important to you that I accept your apology? You know I can’t kick your ass out of here, but know this, I would if I could.” Those dark blue eyes glinted up at him.
“Why? What is it about me that offends you so much?”
“You’re a prostitute and you’re exploiting my sister.”
There. It was out, and it wasn’t pretty.
“Is this going to get ugly?” Chase kept his voice light, forcing a smile.
Silence hung in the air.
“I’m not a prostitute and I’m not exploiting anyone!” Chase snapped. “I’m here because your sister wants me here, and that’s all.”
“Yeah, but you must realize that my sister has a problem. You’re not the first. There was that Scott guy before you. She throws her money away on boy toys in order to avoid a real emotional commitment.”
“Yeah, well we all have problems … Jordan.” He let his voice draw the name out lazily, tamping down on his temper, which had ratcheted up a notch. Chase’s eyes narrowed as he continued, “maybe, just maybe she knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to express it. We all have certain desires deep down, Mr. Nash, desires which may not be acceptable to mainstream society. Maybe the problem is with the judgmental hypocrites in the world who are envious that they don’t have the guts to act on their own desires.”
“Ah, so now you’re a philosopher as well as a whore.”
“I’m not a whore!” Chase told him, meeting his eyes.
“Well okay, then you’re a freeloading gigolo, a man who uses his body to live off a wealthy woman instead of going out and getting a real job.”
Chase closed his eyes for a minute. After a second, he said, “Maybe you’re right, Nash, maybe I’m just a trained monkey using my body to sexually satisfy those who can pay for it. But don’t forget,” he pointed his finger at him, “it’s people like you, the rich horny bastards of your world that are waiting in line to pay for it.”
There was a deep silence. Chase took the opportunity to continue. “You rich little boys, born with a silver spoon in your mouth and a horseshoe up your ass, you never had to work for anything in your life. Everything was given to you. You can just lie back and…”
“Wait a minute,” Jordon stood up. “You just wait a fucking minute before you go pretending to know anything about my life. I went to school. I got a masters degree in Mechanical engineering. I design race cars for a living. I waited tables and washed dishes to help pay my way through school. My father didn’t give me shit. In fact, he didn’t give anyone shit, either monetarily or emotionally! You’ve put no fucking effort into your life. All you’re good for is to suck cocks and take it up the ass.”
Chase took a step forward, his fist raised. Jordon moved closer, ready to strike back. Then they heard the voice. “There will be no violence in this house!”r />
Suddenly she was there, standing between Jordon and Chase. “What is going on out here?”
“Mister high and fucking mighty here was telling me the story of my life,” Chase sneered, taking a few steps backwards as Amanda gave him and her brother a slight push in opposite directions.
“Looks like he thinks he knows all about me as well,” Jordon added, his blue eyes blazing with anger.
“This is impossible,” Chase muttered. “I think I should go.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” she told Chase, then glared at her brother. “Chase lives here with me. He will continue to do so, is that understood?”
“If that’s the way you want to live,” he shrugged.
“Now,” Amanda demanded, “if you two are too immature to get along, then avoid one another. You’re like two children,” she muttered.
Jordon said nothing. He picked up his towel and stalked back inside.
Chase shook his head. He paced a bit, trying to calm down. Amanda put a hand on his shoulder. “It will be fine. Try not to talk to him too much.” She smiled.
“Um.” Chase paused for a second. “Jordon Nash. Where have I heard his name before? He told me he designs race cars but…”
“Yes,” she said, “now. At one time he used to drive them.”
“Ah…yes,” Chase snapped his fingers. “Now I know. The guy won several big races and then…he had an accident, didn’t he?”
“Yes,” Amanda nodded. “Another driver cut him off without any explanation. His name was Evan Donaldson. He toppled the car, it caught fire. Jordon barely escaped with his life.”
“I remember reading about it,” Chase said. “I just didn’t match the name with the story. Donaldson was charged with attempted manslaughter because he deliberately drove your brother off the track. Was it professional rivalry or was it personal?”
Amanda pursed her lips. “What ever the reason, it’s in the past now, hon.” She patted Chase’s hand. Obviously she didn’t want to pursue the subject so Chase dropped it. After a few seconds, she said, “we’ll have a quiet supper just the two of us tonight at seven in my room okay? Jordon has a business dinner tonight. Our dream man will arrive at eight thirty.”
“Okay,” Chase said, beginning to calm down.
“Take a swim, hon,” Amanda suggested with a laugh, “it will cool you down.”
“Um, what about cooling that brother of yours down!”
“I’ll dump a bucket of ice water over his head if you like,” she giggled, then disappeared inside.
* * * *
Amanda wouldn’t stop teasing him at supper about her “surprise,” and he wasn’t reacting the way she wanted him to. His mind was on Jordon. Just before he had come down the hall to Amanda’s room for dinner, he had run smack into him.
Jordon was all dressed up in form-fitting navy pants and a pale blue open-neck shirt. There was a subtle hint of aftershave emanating from him which smelled intoxicating. Jordon looked just as surprised to see him.
Chase too had dressed for dinner with a loose fitting bohemian style melon colored shirt and a pair of white summer shorts. It was too damn hot for pants, and besides he’d have them off soon enough. Both men stopped dead in the hallway, eyes locking. Chase couldn’t resist tearing his eyes away and running them over Jordon.
Jordon cleared his throat at one point, muttered, “excuse me,” and brushed past. Chase didn’t move. He stood his ground, feeling the pressure of Jordon’s body against his for a fleeting second. Chase turned around, not being able to resist throwing at him, “all dressed up and no place to go?”
Jordon paused at the top of the stairs. He turned his head, issuing Chase a caustic smile. “At least I’ll have my clothes on at the end of the evening.”
“What a shame,” Chase replied softly.
He heard Jordon mutter something under his breath then continue on down the stairs.
Chase was actually smiling when he knocked on Amanda’s door.
Amanda was talking to him now and he hadn’t heard a damn word. “So,” she insisted, “aren’t you the least bit curious?”
“Of course,” he said, coming back to the present.
“Well, I will give you one hint. He’s new at the Agency, and I hear he is a professional when it comes to arousing his partner.”
“Um,” Chase replied, lifting his wine glass.
He watched Amanda butter a piece of bread for a second, then he said, “tell me about Jordon.”
She glanced up at him, chewing her bread, then shrugged. “What do you want to know about him?”
“Do you really detest each other that much?”
“I’m not sure,” she said.
“What kind of answer is that?” Chase laughed slightly.
“Everything got worse after he was born, but I know it wasn’t really his fault. He wasn’t close to Daddy either but that was his choice.”
“What do you mean?”
“Daddy tried to mold him, make him into a business tycoon like he was. He wanted Jordon to take over as CEO in one of his major businesses. Jordon wanted to race cars, and of course Daddy cut him off.”
“Then the accident happened.”
“Yes.” She nodded. “He wasn’t supposed to walk again.”
“Really?” Chase was surprised.
“He forced himself out of bed every day and sometimes he crawled but he was determined to defy the doctors.”
“Sounds as stubborn and determined as you,” Chase commented.
She nodded. “Yes. Maybe that’s why we don’t get along. We’re too much alike. If Jordon wants something, he goes out and gets it, no matter what the odds. Daddy never even came to the hospital the whole time he was in there,” Amanda added. “Almost a year.”
“But you went,” Chase noted.
“Yes, I went,” she said. She seemed sad suddenly, tears in her eyes.
Chase reached over and touched her hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you sad.”
“I’m fine,” she said, clearing her throat. She took another sip of her wine. “Let’s talk about other things. Okay, ask me ten questions about the guy tonight, and I’ll answer them,” she said, reaching over and punching him lightly in the arm.
Chase shook his head.
“Don’t you want to know how big his cock is?” Amanda insisted.
“You know,” Chase shook his head, “you’re incorrigible.”
“I know. I know, and you love it.”
Around twenty after eight, Amanda went downstairs to wait for the “guest.” Chase stayed upstairs in the playroom. He looked around, expecting to see Cassidy’s ghost but he didn’t appear tonight. It’s not that he actually saw Cassidy’s ghost, it was just that his mind had a way of conjuring up images of him whenever he came into this room. Tonight however, his mind gave him peace. Instead, it was Jordon he thought about. The story of Jordon Nash’s crash on the racetrack had made headlines seven or eight years ago. As much as he could recall, it had been at the Talladega Super Speedway in Alabama, one of the fastest tracks for racing. Amanda’s story tonight of how he had fought to walk again told him a lot of Jordon Nash. It wouldn’t be easy to win him over if he was determined not to like him. Also, he wasn’t sure if winning him over was a wise place to go at this point, given the sudden awareness he had of Jordon’s … mmmm … physical attributes.
“Here we are,” Amanda announced suddenly forcing Chase back to reality. “Chase, this is Rocky. Is that a nickname, honey, or your real name?”
Rocky looked to be around twelve, but Amanda assured Chase that he was nineteen. He had ginger colored hair and brilliant green eyes. He stood around five eight and was pleasantly plump. When he spoke, it was with a deep Southern accent which practically knocked Chase on his ass.
“Hello there, Daddy,” he said, giving Chase a wild wink, “why, you’re as cute as a bug in a rug.”
Chase laughed out loud, gave Amanda an incredulous look, and mouthed the words, “bug in a
Amanda gave that tinkling laugh. “You two get to know each other and I’ll just go and slip into something a little bit more comfortable.”
Rocky watched her go. “That’s some classy lady,” he whistled between his teeth, letting his eyes inch over Chase’s body.
“Yes, she is,” Chase said.
“So, let me tell you up front, darlin’ honey pie, I got a lot of ass. Some fellows like that. You like that?”
“Yeah,” Chase grinned. “It’s fine.”
“It all depends on what the lady wants. Have cock, will travel,” he cajoled.
Chase nodded, pursing his lips. That reminded him of Cassidy. He was cocky like that. He pushed it from his mind. I’m going to have a good time tonight.
“So, what size cock you got in those there pants of yours, handsome?”
“About an eight I guess,” Chase shrugged.
“Um, take your time going in babe, but once it’s in, anything goes. I like it.” He moved closer, again letting his eyes move over Chase. “I like it a lot, especially when the cock is attached to someone who looks like you.”
“Thank you,” Chase said.
Rocky reached up and touched his hair. “Dark, wavy, all that hair, my, my, I’d do it for free but don’t tell the mistress.”
“Mum’s the word,” Chase said softly, raising a finger to his lips.
“Tell me what you like,” Rocky asked, letting his hands run down over Chase’s chest.
“It depends on my mood,” he said.
“So what’s your mood,” Rocky asked seductively, beginning to undo his shirt.
“You should wait until ah…Amanda comes. She doesn’t…”
“I’m just undoing your shirt, honey. I want to see that chest, touch your nipples maybe. I’ll wait for the cock.”
Chase covered Rocky’s hands with his own. “Amanda likes to give directions so…”
“Ah, you’re no fun, lover,” he pouted and backed away.
Chase grinned. “I’ll try and make up for it soon.”
Rocky blew him a kiss.